If you want a page image, then use and drag the mouse over what you want to save into the paste buffer.
Open an editor (like MS Word, or Word-Pad, or Paint) and paste the image into it.
Then save.
If you want the text and the PDF is in text format, Highlight what you want and paste it into Word or Word-Pad and save.
If you want the text and the PDF is in HTML format, Highlight what you want and paste and HTML (or PDF) in to your browser and save. If you want the text and the PDF is in other format, Highlight and create a copy of it. Put the copy into a file in your hard drive for later. Make sure that the file is called the same filename in the same folder structure as the file you are saving. The last thing to do after the file is saved is to click the “File Export” (Windows/Mac). This will make a folder where all your saved files are saved, and will create a PDF containing the saved files. If you like to be super-careful, then you can do the same “File Export” step, but this time only create the image, and not the HTML, or PDF. Open that new.