Bchem- one OD test and one urine analysis. Viva will be based on your findings if it's +ve rothera's than be ready for ketosis, normal, fasting ,pp range of glucose, ketosis pathway, few questions form diabetes, OGTT procedure, etc. OD t'll just check if your findings are correct or not and won't ask much except the procedure , parts of the photometry device and beer Lambert's law. Physio- One large experiment ( perimetry, muscle contraction, BP, lung capacities) and one short experiment ( visual acuity, nerve testings) . Viva will be based on both the experiments you get, t may ask procedure, precautions, name of various parts of instruments, and other fairly logical questions Anatomyâ one table on bones, one table on x ray, one table on histology, one on embryology, one on brain and head and neck, one on upper limb and thorax, and one on lower limb and abdomen. T gonna ask the basic questions first like the must know parts (eg. Identify the corpus callosum, or the pons, sub. nigra, then related theory questions like structure present on base of 4th ventricle etc) These practicals will be supplemented with an additional grand viva( mainly viva for theoretical knowledge) except in anatomy xD. Difficulty . Anat> physio> bchem ( may vary from college to college and depends on the attitude of the externals)
A> physio> chem-one OD test and one urinalysis. Viva will be based on your findings if it's +ve other's than be ready for ketosis, normal, fasting, pp range of glucose, ketosis pathway, few questions form diabetes, GET procedure, etc. OD t'll just check if your findings are correct or not and won't ask much except the procedure, parts of the photometry device and beer Lambert's law. Physio > Chem One test on the nervous system- one study with nerve conduction velocity measuring- one study of myelinization and one study of the peripheral nerve system. You can also learn about the human nervous system, or simply look at a video of someone with nerves. As for the tests I've listed the one I found to be most helpful. This is one of the things on which I've changed from the original exam, I found that in many ways these exams are.