Music in this video we'll look at how to split PDFs using their bookmarks with the auto split plugin for Adobe Acrobat use this method to split a PDF at different bookmark levels you can extract these bookmark sections as separate documents and automatically named them this means you can create folders to mirror bookmark trees in the PDF the sample documents we'll use to demonstrate disk contains invoices on the to bookmark levels billing types and client names in this example we'll extract the second-level bookmarks these will be placed in three folders to reflect the bookmarking hierarchy in the PDF all output files and folders will be named using the existing titles note that this method only works with input documents that contain bookmarks and an output folder will be created for each bookmark in the selected level in this example three output folders are made let's take a look at how to use this tool with the suitable documents open in Acrobat select plugins in the upper menu then both split documents options when the settings dialog opens select the use bookmark tree option then specify the bookmark levels to be used in this example we'll only use level two these numbers relate to the starting and ending levels for output files now open output options we want to create subfolders to create folders based on the existing bookmark tree we also want to use bookmark titles as output file names you only want to select the necessary options so here we'll uncheck overwrite existing files you can also include bookmark parent titles in the output file names but this isn't compatible with the create subfolders option press ok once these selections are made now use the Browse button to specify an output folder for these files...